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The "grain" of a cut of meat refers to the direction that the bundles of muscle fibers in the meat are aligned. The fibers will always run parallel to each other in one direction, and cutting against or across them will shorten the length of the fibers, which makes the meat more tender. Once the meat is ready to be sliced, a sharp knife, the right cutting technique, and cutting against the grain will give you juicy and tender slices of meat to serve.

  1. 1

    Find the direction the muscle fibers run in to locate the grain. The grain refers to the direction that the muscle fibers are aligned and is easier to identify in some of the tougher cuts of meat like flank and hanger steaks, and more difficult in lean cuts like filet and tenderloins. Look for the small striations of muscle fibers that run parallel to each other down the length of the meat to identify the direction of the grain.[1]

    • Chicken muscles fibers are tightly bound, but you can still see the striations of the fibers if you look closely.
  2. 2

    Cook the meat before you cut it. It will be much easier for you to cut your meat against the grain once it's been cooked. To keep the meat fresh, tender, and juicy, cook it and slice it just before you serve it. Cook the meat however you prefer, but make sure it's fully cooked before you cut it.[2]

    • You can cut raw meat against the grain as well. For example, tougher cuts like brisket or large pieces of flank steak can be cut in half to make it easier to cook.
    • If you're making beef jerky, cut the meat into thin slices while it's raw.


  3. 3

    Lay the cooked piece of meat on a cutting board with a juice groove. When the meat has finished cooking, use tongs or another kitchen utensil like 2 forks to set the cooked meat on a cutting board. The meat will be tender and juicy when you cut it, so use a cutting board that has a groove around the edges to help confine the juices released from the meat.[3]

  4. 4

    Allow the meat to rest for 5-20 minutes. After you cook your meat, it's important that you let it sit or "rest" before you slice it so it loses less juice when it's cut, keeping it moist, tender, and tasty. Depending on the type and cut of meat and how it was cooked, the time you need to allow the meat to rest can vary.[4]

    • Resting the meat also allows it to cool down a bit, making it easier to handle when you cut it.

    Tip: Larger cuts of meat, like a roast, needs to rest for 20 minutes. Chicken, steaks, or chops should rest for at least 5 minutes. A good rule of thumb is 1 minute of resting time for every 100 grams of meat.

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  1. 1

    Use a sharp kitchen knife and hone it just before you cut. One of the most important elements to a good cut against the grain of meat is a razor sharp knife. Take a honing rod, place one side of the knife blade against the rod at an angle, and pull the blade towards you in a gentle and fluid motion. Repeat the motion 4-5 times, then do it again on the other side of the knife blade.[5]

    • Use a normal or straight back blade, not a serrated knife. Serrated knives will tear the muscle fibers apart and won't slice through the meat cleanly.
    • You can use a larger chef's knife or a smaller paring knife, whatever feels more comfortable for you to use.
    • The blade of the knife needs to be long enough to cut through the meat. A larger roast will need a larger knife, for example.
  2. 2

    Place the blade against the grain on one end of the meat. Thin slices of meat cut against the grain will produce the most tender cuts. Choose which end of the meat you want to start slicing from and place the blade of the knife about 12 inch (1.3 cm) away from the edge of that end.[6]

    • Remember to cut across, not with, the muscle striations or grain of the meat!
  3. 3

    Use smooth, unbroken sawing motions to slice the meat. Move your arm back and forth and apply gentle pressure to the knife to move it through the meat. Let the sawing motion do the work of cutting through the meat rather than relying on the pressure you put on the blade. Cut all the way through the length of the meat until your knife reaches the cutting board.[7]

    • Use long, fluid motions. Short and choppy slices could mangle the meat.

    Tip: If you're having trouble cutting through the meat, your knife may not be sharp enough.

  4. 4

    Cut the entire piece of meat into thin slices. Work your way down the cut of meat, cutting it into slices, keeping the pieces close together so they stay warmer and more tender. Once the whole piece of meat has been cut against the grain, it's ready to be served![8]

    • Slice chicken, steaks, chops and roasts into 12 inch (1.3 cm) slices. Roasts and large pieces of meat like prime rib should be cut thinner, into slices 14 inch (0.64 cm) thick so they're tender.
    • Trim off any large chunks of fat if you don't want to serve them.
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  • Use caution when cutting with a knife. Wear cut-resistant gloves if you're worried about the knife slipping and cutting yourself.



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