Get to Know You Bingo Baby Shower Game

Existence pregnant is no piece of cake task — but it isn't always difficult piece of work! Sometimes you become to have fun as well, like when y'all go on a babymoon or have your baby shower.

In this post, the babe experts at Mustela volition help you set up for your special party by sharing 39 ideas for fun baby shower games, including some virtual ones to continue you, your family, and your growing bundle of joy safe for the commemoration!

opening gifts after playing baby shower games

39 Fun Babe Shower Games

1) Who's That Infant?

This infant shower game is an excellent icebreaker, which is super helpful if your baby shower will have guests who haven't met before.

Ask every attendee to bring a baby photo of themselves to the baby shower. Then place the photos on a table or tape them to a wall. Have everyone try to lucifer the baby photos with the correct guest.

ii) Name That Tune (Virtual Option)

This game is great for trivia lovers. Plus, the best office is that information technology'due south an easy, safe, and fun option for mothershoped-for who prefer a virtual baby shower.

Earlier the shower, create a playlist of all the greatest baby hits. Whatsoever plant nursery rhymes, lullabies, or popular songs that use the discussion "baby" in the lyrics or title (nosotros're looking at you, Justin Bieber!).

Ask all of your guests to mute themselves at the offset of each round. Then play a small snippet of the song for your guests, possibly five seconds.

The get-go person to shout out the respond or type information technology in the chatroom wins a bespeak!

iii) Embarrassing Baby Stories

Here'south another great mode to break the ice at the kickoff of your baby shower. Each person must tell one funny or embarrassing childhood story. It's a simple game but one that'due south sure to get some laughs!

4) You Can't Say That! (Virtual Option)

At the showtime of your baby shower, cull a word that everyone will be forbidden from saying. The word "baby" is a skillful (but very difficult) option, but experience gratuitous to cull whatever babe-related discussion.

Anyone who gets caught using the forbidden word is out. The last person to utilise the word (or not!) is the winner.

This game is simple simply effective, and it tin can be done at in-person showers or about!

5) The Baby Saucepan Listing

Either earlier or during your baby shower, decorate a pocket-sized bucket or box. Inquire each guest to write downwards something that they hope will happen to/for the soon-to-arrive baby in their lifetime.

6) Design-O-Baby (Virtual Option)

This game requires a little bit of preparation beforehand. Your guests tin grab any Play-Doh or modeling dirt for this game. If they don't have any handy, a simple salt dough made of water, flour, salt, and (optional) food coloring will do the trick!

Set a timer for xx or so minutes — depends on how artistic your guests are! They'll be tasked to pattern what they think your bundle of joy will look like on their first birthday.

Food coloring can be helpful if they opted to brand salt dough so they tin tint the baby's hair, eyes, peel, and clothes! Hilarity is sure to ensue as your guests reveal their baby masterpieces.

If your guests enjoy this sort of game, you can modify the format to accommodate your virtual babe shower best. For example, read out riddles and tell your guests to brand the reply out of their dough.

Whoever creates the reply the fastest (while even so making information technology recognizable) wins!

7) What'south Her Age Again?

Collect nigh 10 photos of the expecting mom prior to the beginning of the infant shower. Postal service them all for anybody to see, with a number next to each photo. Guests must try to guess the mom's age in each of the old photographs.

eight) Cupcake Decorating Contest (Virtual Option)

Before the shower, drop off a pre-fabricated cupcake along with icing to your local guests' doors. If you have out-of-town guests, exist sure to include on the invitation that they volition need cupcake supplies.

Permit them decorate to their middle's desire! The best role is that even if you can't gustation them, you get to approximate how they look.

If you're having a themed babe shower, you could encourage your guests to brand a cupcake that epitomizes the theme — get creative! The more than fun your guests have with this the more than astonishing the cupcakes will turn out.

Plus, guests have an incentive: they go to eat their cosmos!

nine) The Mama Or The Papa?

While yous're going through old family photo albums, grab about a one-half-dozen photos of family unit members of both the expecting parents. Put all of the photos on a table or a bulletin board, and have anybody guess whether the person in each photo is a relative of the mom-to-be or the dad-to-be.

Pregnant woman with partner holding pregnant belly

10) Blindfolded Diaper Irresolute

Gather a couple of babydolls and a pack of diapers. Put the diapers on the baby dolls. If you lot're really feeling saucy, you can add a spoonful of Nutella to the diaper before putting it on the baby doll.

Side by side, blindfold several of your guests (one for each babydoll). At present, have them race to remove the dingy diaper, wipe the babydoll clean, and put a new diaper on. Whoever finishes first is the winner!

11) Baby Trivia (Virtual Selection)

This game is endlessly customizable! In that location are so many unlike things you could make the subject field of this trivia.

If your infant shower guests know each other pretty well, a slap-up option is to brand the trivia discipline them! Before the shower, they can submit a fact about something related to them and babies.

This could exist anything, really: a funny see they had with a infant once, something entertaining they did when they were a babe that their parents still tell stories about, or, if your childhood friend is attending, something they did with you when you were both very young.

Inquire your guests to submit their facts a few days before the shower so you have plenty time to make a simple trivia deck on Powerpoint. All you lot need to practise is write the fact and 4 or five multiple-choice options with some of your guests' names.

Your other guests will demand to choose 1 of the multiple-selection options — whoever they think the fact is about!

Salve all the correct answers for the stop. This way your guests don't utilise the process of elimination. At the very terminate of trivia, yous can become back through the trivia deck and reveal the correct answers.

Plus, this gives your guests a chance to explain the funny stories behind their baby facts. Whoever earns the most points wins!

12) Beast Babies

Make a listing of animals and the names of their young. For example, a polliwog that hasn't yet grown legs is called a tadpole, and a young pig is called a shoat. Have your guests piece of work in teams to approximate the names of 10 or 15 different animal babies.

13) "Babe" Songs

Put your guests into teams of ii or three people. Requite everyone three minutes to list as many songs with the give-and-take "baby" or "babe" in the title. The squad with the most songs at the finish of the three minutes wins!

14) Design Baby Wearable (Virtual Option)

Buy a bunch of white baby onesies or bibs and markers made for cartoon on material. Give one garment to each guest and let them go crazy! Each person can decorate and design the article of infant clothing however they wish.

If y'all're doing a virtual shower and your guests don't live besides far away, you tin can drop off the materials at their firm. If they live besides far but you actually want your little 1 to wear these keepsakes, consider sending guests a gift card so they can purchase the materials themselves.

During the virtual baby shower, your guests can decorate and conversation. At the end, they can nowadays their beautiful works of art and mail their work to you later.

Those onesies are sure to give y'all all the nostalgic (and grateful) feels during those center-of-the-nighttime feedings!

basket with essential baby products

15) Most Pop Infant Names

Each yr, a list of the most popular infant names is released. Choose a few different years (go way back to the 70s or 80s if you want!) and see if your attendees tin can guess the elevation x most popular baby names for each yr.

sixteen) Baby Bottle Chugging Contest

Set up one full baby bottle for each person at your baby shower. Fill the bottles with water, juice, milk, or iced tea. Set a timer and meet how much of the liquid each person can drink in one minute.

baby lying on back with bottle

17) Celebrity Babies (Virtual Option)

Impress out photos of the babies of celebrities and see who can approximate the parents correctly.

This game is as well super piece of cake to suit to a virtual baby shower. Simply throw some photos of glory babies onto a Powerpoint slide and you're golden!

eighteen) Earlier They Were Famous

Find photos of celebrities from their childhood (they're out there, trust us). Brandish the photos and have your baby shower guests try to figure out which stars are in them!

19) Toilet Paper Diaper Race

Have all of your guests form teams of two, and requite each team a curl of toilet paper. Let anybody two minutes to brand a diaper out of toilet paper on 1 member of the team. The team that creates the best makeshift diaper wins!

20) Blindfolded Spoon-Feeding

While your guests are still in pairs, have one person put on a blindfold. Now, requite each blindfolded person a modest jar of baby food and a spoon. They must spoon-feed all of the food to their partner. Be ready to get messy!

21) Baby Food Connoisseur

And while half of your guests are still blindfolded, have them effort a spoonful of 10 different baby foods to see if they can guess the flavors. These might not be the foods you lot're peckish, but it's hilarious to watch people's reactions.

baby shower treats on stand

22) Price Is Right (Virtual Option)

Bring a serial of gifts for the mom-to-be, and have guests try to guess the value without going over. But winners just go bragging rights! The gifts, of course, are for the woman who's expecting.

This game is piece of cake to make virtual, besides! All you have to do is concord the items up to your camera like an old-school car model.

Have fun with your presentation –– yous can get goofy and play charades with each particular, too, while you lot wait for your guests to respond.

23) Baby Shower Charades

Turn this classic family game into a special babe shower game! All you demand to do is choose baby-related words and phrases.

You lot can pick uncomplicated phrases like "dirty diaper" and "breastfeeding," or you can make things more difficult past choosing babe idioms (e.g. "don't throw the baby out with the bathwater," "smoothen as a infant'south bottom," etc.).

24) Baby Shower Pictionary (Virtual Option)

The idea here is the same as with baby shower charades. Simply choose baby-related phrases and have your guests endeavour to draw that phrase while other people approximate what information technology is.

There are tons of gratuitous, online Pictionary options besides, which ways this game is perfect for a virtual baby shower! Instead of having your guests draw in person, they tin draw directly onto their devices.

Or, if they're better with newspaper and pen, they can concord up their drawings to the camera as presently as they're finished in order to get the point.

25) Baby Pool

Accept each person try to estimate the exact appointment and time of birth of the infant that's on the way. If you desire to make things interesting, let each person throw i dollar into an envelope forth with their prediction. Whoever is closest to the real engagement and time of birth wins the greenbacks!

26) Don't Let Your Water (Balloon) Break!

Fill up a large saucepan of water balloons. Create a starting line and a end line. Place a bucket or big bowl for each person along the cease line.

Guests must hold the water balloons between their knees and waddle to the finish line, then drib the total water airship into the bucket. If the water balloon bursts, they must go back to the starting line and begin over again.

27) Poop Inspector

Melt x different candy bars in pocket-size, microwave-safe bowls. Place them all out on a table and have guests guess what type of candy bar each bowl contains.

28) Big-Belly Twister

Take anybody place a diddled-up balloon underneath their shirt on their stomach. And then play a game of Twister! Anyone whose balloon pops is out.

friends playing baby shower games

29) A Bulletin On A Diaper

Provide a big box of diapers and several permanent markers. Accept guests decorate the backs of the diapers with funny or inspirational messages. But don't allow the mom-to-be come across them yet! Put them in a purse to be surprises for after the baby arrives.

30) Relay Race

Get some exercise by holding a relay race for y'all and your guests to compete in. Events might include irresolute a diaper, filling a baby bottle with formula, and pushing a stroller through an obstacle class.

31) Baby Shower Photos

Don't forget to take lots of pictures! Yous tin use a camera or your phone, but it might be more than fun to buy plenty of dispensable cameras for guests to employ. That style, the photos will remain a mystery until the film is developed!

32) Mama Knows All-time!

Have whatever mothers in the room share three pieces of advice for the expecting mom.

33) Guess The Infant Item

Diaper bag full of baby items

For this game, you'll demand to fill a bag — preferably a diaper handbag — with useful baby items, such every bit diapers, wipes, a bib, pacifier, rattle, and cream, all of which are inexpensive. Give each guest a pen and a piece of paper.

Laissez passer the pocketbook to each guest and accept them feel around inside of it without looking. They will gauge as many baby items every bit they can and write downwards their answers. In one case everyone has their listing of baby items, name all the items placed in the purse.

Whoever has the most correct answers wins. And of course, the mom-to-be gets the diaper bag filled with goodies!

34) Mommy And Daddy Questionnaire

This is such a fun game if you've chosen a co-ed baby shower! Inquire the mom- and dad-to-be 10 to 20 questions, making sure the significant other is in another room when request either one the questions. Some questions you could enquire include:

  • Where were you when you lot establish out you lot were expecting?
  • What was your reaction when you found out the heady news?
  • What would you lot want your little i to be when they grow up?
  • What are you well-nigh excited about when it comes to welcoming your baby?

After the parents-to-be have both been questioned separately and the answers have been recorded, bring them together. Give both mom and dad a slice of paper or a board and marker to record their answers.

When you enquire the questions, each parent has to answer in regard to what their partner is thinking. They volition reveal their answers at the same fourth dimension.

It'south a fun game to lookout and learn nearly the parents-to-exist, and we're sure they'll become a good express mirth out of information technology!

35) Infant Drawings

Laissez passer around a sturdy paper plate and marker to each invitee. Instruct them to draw a film of a baby, and whoever has the all-time drawing wins. Just there's a catch: they have to draw a baby with the paper plate placed on top of their head. This one should get interesting!

36) Guess Mom-to-be's Measurements

While near women don't like their measurements taken, particularly in front of people, this is a fiddling dissimilar. The guests will guess the measurement of mom's belly circumference by using a piece of yarn.

Start by passing around a ball of yarn. Accept each invitee cut the yarn to the size they judge volition fit perfectly around the expecting mom's abdomen. Subsequently each guest has a piece of yarn, they will take turns going upwardly to mom and wrapping it around her.

Whoever is the closest wins. The mom-to-be tin save the piece of yarn for a memory!

37) Ice Babe Breaker

This is literally an ice-billow game! The night before the shower, put tiny plastic babies into an ice cube tray and fill with water. Y'all may need to fill more than than 1 water ice tray. When the guests arrive, have them pick one piece of ice and place information technology in their drink.

The objective is to yell out, "I take a infant!" when your tiny baby has fully separated and melted from the water ice cube. Whoever has their baby first wins the game.

38) Love Letters

pregnant woman holding belly next to Mustela pregnancy products

Last, but definitely not to the lowest degree, accept each guest write one brusk letter to the mom-to-be. It tin can be full of jokes, well-wishes, or simple expressions of love and friendship. The expecting mom can read them when she wants to relieve stress or simply to put a smiling on her face.

39) Baby Bingo (Virtual Selection)

At that place are tons of printable baby Bingo cards online for gratuitous, so this option is perfect for an easy, quick game with your virtual guests!

Start Bingo at the outset of the shower so your guests can mark off the things on their Bingo card every bit the shower goes along. The first one to become baby Bingo wins!

Now Have Fun!

And so there you have it! With these fabulous baby shower games, you and your loved ones are certain to have an unforgettable fourth dimension.

In such strange times, we know it's of import now more ever to feel supported and continued to your family unit and friends. We promise these baby shower games aid put a smile on your face and some warmth in your centre — whether your shower is in-person or virtual!

Now that planning your baby shower is out of the way, all you have to do is pack your hospital bag and wait for the big day to arrive!


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